368 products were found matching your search for Letting go in 2 shops:
Letting Go with Love and Confidence: Raising Responsible, Resilient, Self-Sufficient Teens in the 21st Century
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.79 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 0.79
Letting Go
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.98 $Letting Go Bonnie Prince Billy - LP 781484042013
Letting Go of Our Adult Children: When What We Do is Never Enough
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.48 $Sometimes our adult children.. * do not finish college. * marry the "wrong" person. * can't keep a good job. * abuse drugs or alcohol. * are gay. * are single parents. * are divorced. * make religious choices we don't understand. * can't raise their own children, leaving us to pick up the slack. * live at home. Where Does That Leave Us? Arlene Harder's warm, compassionate, and longoversue book - based on her case studies and insights from her own experience with her son - provides a positive persective on how parents can drop the guilt - and get on with their lives. Arlene Harder, whose own son experienced severe problems with alcoholism, drug use, and homelessness, is a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in work with parents of adult children. --- from book's back cover
Letting Go of the Person You Used to Be: Lessons on Change, Loss, and Spiritual Transformation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.56 $The beloved American Lama, a spiritual leader whose inimitable light andlively universal teaching style has awakened the spirituality of thousands, now shares an enlightened approach to change and loss, dealing with difficult emotions such as fear, grief, and anger, and the role of crisis in uncovering our authentic selves.For many people, recent years have been characterized by profound change, whether it relates to financial upheaval, political shifts, or even massive losses of life to disease and violence. Even on the personal level each person must confront the curves life throws his or her way. Buddhism has a great deal to say about change and impermanence and how to meaningfully deal with it. Change--whether on a large or small scale--provides our most important opportunity for learning about ourselves and the nature of reality. From this essential insight Lama Surya Das has crafted a fulfilling and important path to understanding and healing ourselves and finding peace.Full of personal stories, anecdotes, practical exercises, guided meditations and reflections, and pithy original aphorisms, Letting Go of the Person You Used to Be addresses life's most universal difficulties in a way that is accessible to all. By using memorable concepts such as The Virtues of Adversity, The Pearl Principle ("No inner irritation, no pearl"), and Gaining through Loss, Surya reminds readers that hiding from change and loss is futile. Learning to consciously accept and embrace change leads to a better understanding of ourselves and our own innate divine light.
Letting Go of Anger Card Deck: 54 Cards to Help Teens Tame Frustration
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.14 $- Simple skills to successfully manage anger - Tools to calm in emotionally tense moments - Strategies to overcome anxiety - Using anger in a healthy way - Steps to create positive changes
Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works (Interactive Technologies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.69 $Book is in NEW condition. 1.72
Letting Go: The Story of Zen Master Tosui (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.29 $Of the many eccentric figures in Japanese Zen, the Soto Zen master Tosui Unkei (d. 1683) is surely among the most colorful and extreme. Variously compared to Ryokan and Francis of Assisi, Tosui has been called "the original hippie." After many grueling years of Zen study and the sanction of a distinguished teacher, Tosui abandoned the religious establishment and became a drifter.The arresting details of Tosui's life were recorded in the Tribute (Tosui osho densan), a lively and colloquial account written by the celebrated scholar and Soto Zen master Menzan Zuiho. Menzan concentrates on Tosui's years as a beggar and laborer, recounting episodes from an unorthodox life while at the same time opening a new window on seventeenth-century Japan. The Tribute is translated here for the first time, accompanied by woodblock prints commissioned for the original 1768 edition. Peter Haskel's introduction places Tosui in the context of the Japanese Zen of his period--a time when the identities of early modern Zen schools were still being formed and a period of spiritual crisis for many distinguished monks who believed that the authentic Zen transmission had long ceased to exist. A biographical addendum offers a detailed overview of Tosui's life in light of surviving premodern sources.
Letting Go of Compulsive Overeating - Twelve Step Recovery from Compulsive Overeating - Daily Reflections
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.51 $Book is in Used-VeryGood condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain very limited notes and highlighting. 1.1
Letting Go of Perfect: Women, Expectations, and Authenticity
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.68 $Have you ever felt as though you didn’t recognize yourself in the mirror and yet you’re frantically trying to keep that image together? Felt bound by the dreams you had for life that you now realize have forced other expectations on you? Or maybe you’ve laughed at one of those insanely ridiculous moments in the day when absolutely everything goes wrong and no matter what you do, the grand purpose seems elusive.Let’s be honest. We all have a standard in our head that we believe is the perfect Christian woman, wife, and/or mother. Yet, have you ever really examined what that standard is? Yes, God absolutely has standards for what those roles are to be, but is He our source, or is it the peer-pressure-don’t- be-the-odd-one-out-on-Sunday-morning drive to fit in that is driving us away from authenticity and raw faith to outward performance?Amy Spiegel knows this struggle well and notes, “so many of the women I know seem to feel the same tension in their own lives, teetering on the edge, praying someone will be there to catch them if they fall.” There is a grand purpose to where you are today; join Amy in Letting Go of Perfect, to look at what it means to truly know the woman in the mirror as well as the God who created, redeems, and equips her.
Letting go of anger: The 10 most common anger styles and what to do about them
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.38 $Profiles patterns of anger behavior that include Addictive Anger, Sneaky Anger, Deliberate Anger, and Anger Avoidance, and offers self-tests and management techniques that promote healthy and non-destructive expressions of anger.
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.83 $The present work describes a simple and effective means by which to let go of the obstacles to Enlightenment and become free of negativity. During the many decades of the author s clinical psychiatric practice, the primary aim was to seek the most effective ways to relieve human suffering in all its many forms. The letting go technique (surrender) was found to be of great practical benefit and is described in this book.
Letting Go of Shame: A Mother's Journey Raising Addict Children
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.03 $I am not a PH.D. I do not have a Master’s degree in psychology. I am not a doctor or a therapist. What I am is a mother. I am a mother of addict alcoholic children. All of my children are addicts/alcoholics, and what I know today has come from my journey to hell and back with these incredible kids. The signs of addiction are not always apparent. Early signs may go undetected because we are not prepared to see them, or don’t understand what they are when we do. In any case, they don’t disappear when we close our eyes, and they eventually get more pronounced if ignored. This is what I have experienced and have learned along the way. Loving an addict is painful. We want to. We try. We give it everything we’ve got. Our hearts break. Our dreams die. We fall down and get up again. We cry. And cry some more. We ask questions. We seek answers. We strive to understand. And the heartache comes. We grieve for the loss of our dreams - the white picket fence, the children going off to college. We mourn the loss of what we had been raised to believe would be our life. We argue with God. We feel out of control, so we try to control the lives of everyone around us. We hold on for dear life. We agonize. We bargain. We pray. And the heartache comes. We beg. We plead. We offer advice. We suggest treatment. We give money. We bail them out of jail. We find them a job. We let them come home to live. We believe that it will be different. We give up. We give out. We sleep too much. We don’t sleep at all. And the heartache comes. My life has been surrounded by this disease. My father. My brother. My grandfather and my two ex-husbands. My friends and distant family members. And my children. All three of them. Loving alcoholics and addicts is what I have been called to do. It is my story. It is my family. It is my life.
Letting Go of Compulsive Overeating - Twelve Step Recovery from Compulsive Overeating - Daily Reflections
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.56 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 1.1
In the Letting Go: Words to Heal the Heart on the Death of a Mother
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.95 $"A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take." Cardinal MermillodWhen a mother dies, often the center of the family is gone. The holiday rituals, the special birthday celebrations for children and grandchildrenthe memories are often held by the mother. A mother is a caretaker, a best friend, a source of sagelike wisdom. Losing her can be a traumatic experience.In the Letting Go is not a guide through the stages of grief. Instead, it acts as a place of refuge for your memories and emotions. It is a space where you are invited to discover solace through the experiences and feelings of others--simple or profound.A collection of quotations, poems, ancient proverbs, and stories from the likes of Winston Churchill, Madeleine L'Engle, and Jonathon Lazear himself, this book acts as a companion to your grief whenever and wherever you might need it.
Letting Go of Anger: The Eleven Most Common Anger Styles and What to Do About Them
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.63 $A Guide to Healthy Anger Expression How do you express your anger? Do you blow up? Quietly seethe? Or do you try to pretend that you're really not angry at all and just hope the feelings will go away? Most of us express anger in more than one way, but we also tend to be creatures of habit, falling back on a few predictable styles when we feel angry. Unfortunately, while some styles are appropriate in some situations, others are not—and consistently using an inappropriate style is a sure way to find yourself saddled with a huge anger problem. This book examines the eleven most common styles of anger expression and helps you learn how to communicate your anger in healthy ways. Learn which anger styles work for different situations—and which ones lead to certain disaster. Find out how to become more flexible and creative at expressing your anger. Once you understand the whole range of anger styles, you'll be able to better manage angry feelings and use your anger as a positive force for building a better life.
Letting Go
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.32 $The Buchanans are living an idyllic life on Long Island. Max is a successful author, Lucy is his supportive stay-at-home wife, and their only child, Sammy, is the center of their world. On February 1, 2007 their lives change forever. A year later, Max is hiding behind writer's block—shuffling through daily life with minimal effort while eight-year-old Sammy devises his own process of dealing with his upturned world. His secret conversations with his mother give him the strength to adjust to his new life and new family dynamic. When trouble at school brings Max and Sammy’s teacher together, Max is torn between awakened feelings of need and desire and the love he still harbors for his wife. Sammy forms a closer bond with Benjamin, the troubled teen across the street, who suffers from the pain of his past and plays a dangerous, illegal game. And Lucy, watching as her family unravels, is helpless. Or is she? * * * In Wenzler’s second novel, Letting Go tells the heartwarming story about a mother who refuses to leave her child, and as she watches her husband begin a new life, must figure out how to hold on and when to let go.
Letting Go: Parenting Teens and Young Adults in a Time of Uncertainty
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.24 $Book is in Used-VeryGood condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain very limited notes and highlighting. 0.9
Letting Go: The Story of Zen Master Tosui (Topics in Contemporary Buddhism)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.01 $Of the many eccentric figures in Japanese Zen, the Soto Zen master Tosui Unkei (d. 1683) is surely among the most colorful and extreme. Variously compared to Ryokan and Francis of Assisi, Tosui has been called "the original hippie." After many grueling years of Zen study and the sanction of a distinguished teacher, Tosui abandoned the religious establishment and became a drifter.The arresting details of Tosui's life were recorded in the Tribute (Tosui osho densan), a lively and colloquial account written by the celebrated scholar and Soto Zen master Menzan Zuiho. Menzan concentrates on Tosui's years as a beggar and laborer, recounting episodes from an unorthodox life while at the same time opening a new window on seventeenth-century Japan. The Tribute is translated here for the first time, accompanied by woodblock prints commissioned for the original 1768 edition. Peter Haskel's introduction places Tosui in the context of the Japanese Zen of his period--a time when the identities of early modern Zen schools were still being formed and a period of spiritual crisis for many distinguished monks who believed that the authentic Zen transmission had long ceased to exist. A biographical addendum offers a detailed overview of Tosui's life in light of surviving premodern sources.
Letting Go of the Person You Used to Be
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.13 $Lamya Surya Das, American Lama and spiritual leader, whose inimitable light and lively universal teaching style has awakened the spirituality of thousands, now shares an enlightened approach to change and loss, dealing with difficult emotions such as fear, grief, and anger, and the role of crisis in uncovering our authentic selves. For many people, recent years have been characterized by profound change, whether it relates to financial upheaval, political shifts, or even massive losses of life to disease and violence. Even on the personal level each person must confront the curves life throws his or her way. Buddhism has a great deal to say about change and impermanence and how to meaningfully deal with it. In fact, change - whether on a large or small scale - provides our most important opportunity for learning about ourselves and the nature of reality. From this essential insight Lama Surya Das has crafted a fulfilling and important path to understanding and healing ourselves and finding peace. Full of personal stories, anecdotes, practical exercises, guided meditations and reflections, LETTING GO OF THE PERSON YOU USED TO BE addresses life's most universal difficulties in a way that is accessible to all.
Letting Go
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 116.00 $Letting Go is Roth's first full-length novel, published just after Goodbye, Columbus, when he was twenty-nine. Set in 1950s Chicago, New York, and Iowa city, Letting Go presents as brilliant a fictional portrait as we have of a mid-century America defined by social and ethical constraints and by moral compulsions conspicuously different from those of today.Newly discharged from the Korean War army, reeling from his mother's recent death, freed from old attachments and hungrily seeking others, Gabe Wallach is drawn to Paul Herz, a fellow graduate student in literature, and to Libby, Paul's moody, intense wife. Gabe's desire to be connected to the ordered "world of feeling" that he finds in books is first tested vicariously by the anarchy of the Herzes' struggles with responsible adulthood and then by his own eager love affairs. Driven by the desire to live seriously and act generously, Gabe meets an impassable test in the person of Martha Reganhart, a spirited, outspoken, divorced mother of two, a formidable woman who, according to critic James Atlas, is masterfully portrayed with "depth and resonance."The complex liason between Gabe and Martha and Gabe's moral enthusiasm for the trials of others are at the heart of this tragically comic work.From the Trade Paperback edition.
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